Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome to remix your words

Welcome to remix your words. Not sure why I'm doing this but thought it would be fun. Today I came up with a new word...Shidang or Dangshi. You're probably asking yourself what the heck does that mean. So I'll use it..... Shidang Usain Bolt was fast...The mix is shit and dang.... I know everyday people come up with new words but probably never get them heard or used. I remember when i first heard chillaxing....I was like what the.... Well this blog will help us create new words. Post your new words and lets track to see if they will be used....I mean that would be be caliho (caliente and hot) if our words are used....


Moe T. Asker said...

Shidang that's a cool concept...

Kareem said...

Moe it's bangho that you dig the site...spread the word and start remixing!

Moe T. Asker said...

GaDang (God Dang) - Gadang man your breath is caliho...move back!

Kareem said...
